Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Atomic oxygen, due to its unique chemical properties, is widely used in astrophysics to study chemical composition, nucleosynthesis conditions, and the processes of formation and evolution. The recent detection of the O I 1304 Å and 7774 Å lines in the upper atmospheres of exoplanets using space and ground-based telescopes opens the possibility to evaluate its abundance in these objects and constrain important atmospheric parameters. However, the simple approximation of thermodynamic equilibrium is often inaccurate in describing the formation and absorption for many spectral lines in stars and hot exoplanets. The development of a kinetic model that takes into account detailed radiative and collisional processes in advanced atomic models is required to interpret the observations. In this work we for the first time analyze the advantages of transit absorption measurement of two oxygen lines simultaneously.

planets and satellites: atmospheres; line: profiles; atmospheric effects; methods: numerical
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