УДК 53 Физика
УДК 520 Инструменты, приборы и методы астрономических наблюдений, измерений и анализа
УДК 521 Теоретическая астрономия. Небесная механика. Фундаментальная астрономия. Теория динамической и позиционной астрономии
УДК 523 Солнечная система
УДК 524 Звезды и звездные системы. Вселенная Солнце и Солнечная система
УДК 52-1 Метод изучения
УДК 52-6 Излучение и связанные с ним процессы
ГРНТИ 29.35 Радиофизика. Физические основы электроники
ГРНТИ 29.31 Оптика
ГРНТИ 29.33 Лазерная физика
ГРНТИ 29.27 Физика плазмы
ГРНТИ 29.05 Физика элементарных частиц. Теория полей. Физика высоких энергий
ОКСО 03.06.01 Физика и астрономия
ОКСО 03.05.01 Астрономия
ОКСО 03.04.03 Радиофизика
ББК 223 Физика
ТБК 614 Астрономия
ТБК 6135 Оптика
BISAC SCI004000 Astronomy
BISAC SCI005000 Physics / Astrophysics
A deep RATAN-600 Zenith Field (RZF) survey at wavelength ${\lambda}$ = 7.6 cm on the declination of the 3C84 radio source. In the center of the survey region, 448 objects were detected, and 73 of them have ultra-steep spectra (USS), which are the main indicator for finding possible candidates for distant galaxies. Optical identifications for 31 of the USS objects were made using the SDSS surveys have been used. It turns out that 23 objects are galaxies and 8 are star-forming objects. Photometric redshifts ($z_{\rm ph}$) and radio luminosities at 3.9 and 1.4 GHz ($L_{3.9}$ and $L_{1.4}$) are determined for 31 objects with spectral indices $\alpha < -1.1$, $S_{\rm \nu} \sim \nu^\alpha$ for objects with published photometric data. In the sample of USS objects, 15 galaxies have $z_{\rm ph}< 0.5$, and 8 of them have relatively high $L_{1.4} > 10^{26}$ W/Hz of type FR II. Seven galaxies at $z_{\rm ph} > 0.5$ are also of type FR II. Five sources are of intermediate type FR I-FR II. Only three radio galaxies at $z_{\rm ph}<0.5$ turned out to be a rare nearby galaxy with relatively low $L_{1.4}<10^{25}$ W/Hz (FR I). These radio sources are either located in the dense intergalactic medium of rich clusters or are confined within their host galaxies. Almost all of these sources can be observed with the SAO 6-m telescope. Galaxies with $L_{1.4} > 10^{26}$ W/Hz (FR II) have magnitudes $18
surveys; radio continuum: general; radio continuum: galaxies; galaxies: active
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